Monday, June 28, 2010

Vanilla Sugar

There are so many interesting things out there to try. I love to check out a new cookbook and see what I’ve never heard about, or made before-- or get an idea, change it around and make something completely new.  In my travels, I read  about Vanilla Sugar and decided to give it a try.  Some people use it as a table sugar to sprinkle on cereal, herbal teas, warm milk, puddings…whatever. It was suggested to use it in baked goods, but, I don’t know…Vanilla Beans are very pricey…..  What shall I do with it? Oh, what shall I do?  Maybe….in…my Cinnamon Swirl Rolls…….Flambo!!  We’ll find out in a week or so.  Maybe I’ll just open the jar and smell it. 


Vanilla Sugar

Fill your loveliest quart-sized canning jar with white sugar (about 3 -3/4 cups). Snip 2 Vanilla Beans into thirds and arrange them as you desire with the sugar.  I distributed them at various levels. Place the lid on top and after a week, your sugar will have the scent infused throughout.  I’ll report back in a week.

According to “How to Be a Domestic Goddess,” by Nigella Lawson, you can substitute cinnamon sticks, unsprayed rose petals, or dried tangerine peel (which you can find in an Asian Grocery).  She also speaks of Rosemary Sugar (a few sprigs of fresh Rosemary in the jar),  which can be sparingly used to sweeten meat or Tomato sauces.  You can also sprinkle it on the top of Rosemary cake….hmmmm..I think I’ll try that one too….Rosemary Cake is also intriguing. Time to get my Flambo on!!! 

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